Microsoft is releasing three builds today, two for PC (16251) and another for phones (15235, WITH A NEW FEATURE 🎉), all of them on Fast Ring. You can find ISOs on this article's bottom.
Two builds for PC?!
In case you don't know yet, Microsoft now has two branches active for Fast Ring. The branches name are RS3_RELEASE and RS_PRERELEASE. As you could guess, the first one is dedicated to Creators Fall Update builds while Microsoft doesn't pick a RTM build (the final version to be generally available). The second one is dedicated to Redstone 4 development. Yes! Microsoft is already pushing builds for Redstone 4 before Redstone 3 is completed.
But don't get hyped yet.
Despite both branches getting a new build, they are equal (there might be some additional code on RS_PRERELEASE branch, I don't know..) at this moment. But soon, we could see new features arriving on that branch.
How do I choose?
As I mentioned, both branches exist under Fast Ring. If you head to Settings > Update and Security > Windows Insider Program, you can spot a new dropdown with two options. As Dona Sarkar summarizes,
- Fast ring: Builds from RS3_RELEASE branch with no inbox app updates.
- Fast ring + Skip Ahead: Builds from RS_PRERELEASE with inbox app updates from the Store.
Keep in mind the page might be refreshed and you might not see that dropdown. There's a limit of Windows Insiders who can enroll on RS_PRERELEASE.
I highly recommend you to read the full announcement.
What's new?
The new build 16251 brings some new features and many enhancements.
Link your phone
If you own an Android device, you can now experience a better cross device browsing experience. You can choose to resume the browsing session from your phone on one of your PCs. For full details, check out the Windows Blog. This experience will later be available on iPhone.
You now have the ability to use Cortana to turn off, restart, lock or sign-out Windows.
- “Hey Cortana, restart PC.”
- “Hey Cortana, turn off PC.”
- “Hey Cortana, sign out.”
- “Hey Cortana, lock PC.”
The commands above also work on Lock Screen if Cortana is enabled.
There are many improvements and bug fixes. Make sure you read the full windows post to be aware of everything.
Download ISOs
Below you can find some ISOs for build 16251 under RS3_RELEASE branch. Because this build is pretty much the same as build 16251 from RS_PRERELEASE branch, I don't see the reason to upload ISOs for both. However, once both branches diverge (different build numbers) I will do my best to upload ISOs for both.
File Name :
MD5 :
At this moment, you can find ISOs for Enterprise, Home and Professional editions. All for x64 CPUs and their language is English (US).
Note: Some ISOs weren't uploaded by me. Cloud x64 and all x86 ISOs were uploaded by @Lyraull (Twitter). Thanks!
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