Yesterday, Microsoft released a build for PC on Fast Ring, 15060. When everyone was expecting a build for Mobile devices today, Microsoft is only pushing build 15061 for PC’s on Fast Ring, as Mobile release was delayed due to a blocking bug. So, this is just a minor build compared with yesterday fixes, although it comes with welcome fixes. As usual, I will upload ISOs for this build, and you can download and use it for whatever you want :)
Don't forget to read the changelog because there are some known issues that you might want to be aware of. You can always skip the build installation if you need. Check out the Windows blog post.
This build is the third Release Candidate (the first was 15058 followed by 15060) and RTM is expected next week, only for Insiders. Then Microsoft will probably take two weeks to collect data and fix zero day bugs to things done for general release on April 11th (this could change...), ensuring a smooth upgrade for everyone.
Download ISOs
Professional / x64 / English
File Name: 15061.0.170315-1424.RS2_RELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISOMD5:aace301fdaa97f099fe398102ea55c05
Home (Core) / x64 / English
File Name: 15061.0.170315-1424.RS2_RELEASE_CLIENTCORE_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISOMD5: f71d82477e854e830a0bf3cf428c26b9
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